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                Cultivation method of deciduous tree crown

                Cultivation method of deciduous tree crown

                  2020-11-25   浏览:1909

                Generally follow the natural crown shape of the tree body, and do not add artificial management, just remove the strong competitive branches in the upper part in time

                Introduction to the use of garden fruit picking

                Introduction to the use of garden fruit picking

                  2020-11-25   浏览:1923

                Determine whether to extend the 3 tubes of the fruit picker according to the required height. If you

                Teach you to use 4 common gardening tools

                Teach you to use 4 common gardening tools

                  2020-11-25   浏览:1923

                Everyone only needs to decorate a few pots of flowers and plants in their own living environment, and the body and mind will come alive.

                Precautions during tree pruning

                Precautions during tree pruning

                  2020-11-25   浏览:1936

                The pruning shears for pruning branches should be smooth and inclined at a 45 degree angle with the sprouts. Fruit tree pruning shears



                  2020-11-25   浏览:1949


                How to prevent rust and maintain gardening tools

                How to prevent rust and maintain gardening tools

                  2020-11-25   浏览:2159

                How to prevent rust and maintain gardening tools? What are the methods?

                Gardening Tools Expo

                Gardening Tools Expo

                  2020-11-25   浏览:2086

                Gardening Tools Expo, the name of the exhibition: 2016 China International Forestry Machinery Exhibition and China International Garden Machinery and Gardening Tools Exhibition

                The industry belongs to the export-oriented industry garden tools

                The industry belongs to the export-oriented industry garden tools

                  2020-11-25   浏览:2161

                The industry is an export-oriented industrial garden tool, most of the products are for export, and the main consumer comes from home gardening and public greening. Among them, Europe and the Unite...