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                Teach you to use 4 common gardening tools

                Source:   2020-11-25   To click:1922

                Everyone only needs to decorate a few pots of flowers and plants in their own living environment, an

                Everyone only needs to decorate a few pots of flowers and plants in their own living environment, and the body and mind will come alive.

                   Everyone only needs to decorate a few pots of flowers and plants in their own living environment, and the body and mind will be refreshed. In fact, it is not difficult to take good care of indoor plants. In addition to mastering some basic essentials, gardening tools, just a few handy tools. A small toolbox is your partner in indoor gardening, allowing you to have more confidence in communicating your emotions with the flowers and plants. The following editor will tell you the four common gardening tools that are commonly used in the better.

                   Commonly used willing tools

                   1. Flower shovel:

                  Small and light, easy to control, can be used for transplanting, soil cultivation, soil loosening, weeding and other tasks. For planting with flower troughs or flower pots, flower shovel can replace large tools such as hoe, rake, and shovel. It is versatile and must be purchased. But be careful, because the tool is small and the connection between the handle and the shovel body is most likely to break, so use it carefully. There are different styles to choose from on the market. Among them, the handle and the body are connected together, and the one cast in one time is more durable.

                   2. Branch shears:

                   can be used for pruning, and it is also suitable for harvesting melons and beans. Also because of its light weight, it is easy to lose, and the spring in the middle is also very easy to lose. There are many styles on the market, and the price difference is quite big. Generally speaking, the more expensive the sharper, but ordinary scissors can complete the task for general gardening work. If young participants are afraid of hurting themselves and others while playing, consider using round-head scissors.

                  3. Flower pot:

                   can be used for watering and liquid fertilizer. Metal is more durable than plastic, and you need to be careful. The most vulnerable part of a plastic flower pot is its spout. After each application of liquid fertilizer, it needs to be cleaned before storing. Gardening tools are mostly metal products, and they will inevitably come into contact with water and soil when they are used. Therefore, after using them, remember to wash the soil off the utensils with water, wipe off the water, and dry them before storing. It can be polished if necessary.

                  4. Portable sprayer / spray bottle:

                   is mainly used for spraying water and natural pesticides. The water can be sprayed out in mist, making it easier to evenly sprinkle on the plants. Its effectiveness depends on whether the sprayed water points are small and even. The nozzles of portable sprayers are mostly slightly curved, which is convenient for spraying the medicine to the bottom of the leaves. Please remember to clean it after use to avoid impurities blocking the water outlet. Although the spray bottle is not as accurate as a sprayer, it is a cheap and good choice.