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                About us
                About us

                Yingkou Xiongyue Dacheng Gardening Tools Co., Ltd.

                Various garden and hardware special knives and scissors can be customized and processed according to

                Awarded the title of "Liaoning Famous Brand Product" by Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Qual

                Yingkou Xiongyue Dacheng Gardening Tools Co., Ltd. (formerly Gaizhou Xiongyue Dacheng Gardening Tools Co., Ltd.) is located in Xiongyue City, a beautiful fruit town-Yingkou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Liaoning Province, China. The Changda Railway, Harbin-Dalian Highway and Shen-Da Expressway traverse Xiongyue City. Xiongyue is 140 kilometers south of Dalian, 200 kilometers north of Shenyang, and 15 kilometers west of Yingkou Bayuquan New Port. Water and land transportation is very developed. The company currently covers an area of 14,000 square meters, with a plant of 7,500 square meters, and the annual output of various products can reach more than 3 million.



                How to prevent rust and maintain gardening tools

                How to prevent rust and maintain gardening tools? What are the methods?

                Gardening Tools Expo

                Gardening Tools Expo, the name of the exhibition: 2016 China International Forestry Machinery Exhibition and China International Garden Machinery and Gardening Tools Exhibition

                The industry belongs to the export-oriented industry garden tools

                The industry is an export-oriented industrial garden tool, most of the products are for export, and the main consumer comes from home gardening and public greening. Among them, Europe and the Unite...