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                company info

                1.jpg  Yingkou Xiongyue Dacheng Gardening Tools Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Gaizhou Xiongyue Dacheng Gardening Tools Co., Ltd.) is located in the beautiful city of fruits—Xiongyuecheng, Yingkou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Liaoning, with Changchun-Dalian Railway, Harbin-Daqing Expressway and Shenyang-Dalian Expressway passing through, 140km away from Dalian in the south, 200km away from Shenyang in the north and 15km away from Xingang, Bayuquan District, Yingkou in the west, enjoying developed land and water transportation. Our company covers an area of 14,000 m2 including a plant area of 7,500m2, and realizes an annual production capacity of over 3 million. Since establishment in 1980, our company has produced manual gardening tools including secateurs, hedge shears, tree shears, multi-functional scissors for hardware and electrician, woodworking saw, garden saw, etc. The cutters and scissors for garden and hardware can be customized according to the special demands of customers. Over the years, our products are popular with customers in more than 20 domestic provinces, cities and autonomous regions and are exported to many countries and regions such as America, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, the Middle East, etc. and win praise of domestic and foreign experts and users. In 2002, our company was certified to ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System, and awarded the title of “Qualified Unit in Compliance Inspection of Overall Quality Management” by the Ministry of Agriculture, and “Ningsan” gardening tool was honored as the Municipal Bestseller by China National Hardware Association. In 2004, “Ningsan” gardening tool was dubbed “Liaoning Famous-brand Product” by Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.