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                Introduction to the use of garden fruit picking

                Source:   2020-11-25   To click:1921

                Determine whether to extend the 3 tubes of the fruit picker according to the required height. If you

                Determine whether to extend the 3 tubes of the fruit picker according to the required height. If you

                  Introduction to the use of garden fruit picking:

                  1. Fruit picking and cutting operation

                  ① According to the required height, determine whether to extend the 3 tubes of the fruit picker. If you need to extend the 3 tubes, press the A switch and not relax, then pull the 3 tubes out of the required hole position and match with the A switch bump lock and fix it Until it cannot be pulled out or retracted.

                  ② Open the iron lock of the B operation handshake, and you can see 1 scissors open.

                  ③ You can start to cut the fruit. You can pick the fruit intact and put it in the basket without releasing B as a handshake. If you don't use it temporarily, you can restore the position by operating it on the contrary.

                  2. Use of fruit picking and cutting

                   can omit the time of climbing trees and avoid the dangerous process of climbing trees. The company introduced this fruit picking scissors to easily pick fruits hanging on trees, such as bayberry, peach, apple, pear, persimmon, orange, torreya, lyzi, pecan, sweet chestnut, date, almond, etc.

                   Which fruit tree pruning shears is better? First choice for Yingkou Dacheng Gardening!